The Federal University of ABC has about 71 laboratories, including teaching, dry, wet and computer labs, all of which have a responsible coordinator. They are located on both campi, in undergraduate and graduate buildings.

Among the laboratories at the Santo André Campus are the Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology laboratories, the Electric Energy, Wireless Communication, Robotics, Instrumentation, Biofuels, Heat and Fluid, Geoprocessing, Modeling, Simulation and Networking laboratories. The campi also has Laboratory of Mathematics and Cognition Teaching Practices, Hardware and Robotics, Networks, Computer Systems, Materials, as well as didactic laboratories.
In the campi of São Bernardo do Campo – where there is a greater concentration of Humanities programs – are the Didactic, Philosophy, Cartography and Geoprocessing Laboratories, the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Manufacturing, Biological Analysis, Transport Phenomenon and Aerospace Systems.